gluten free

Going Gluten Free

by Leah Williamson, NTP

I felt first hand the benefits of removing gluten from my diet and made a decision to remove all gluten from my diet forever as I knew each time I would eat any I would immediately react with the same signs and symptoms as before. 

I would wake in the night around 3am with a huge pain in my stomach and the need to be sick.  I had terrible heart burn and it would feel like my dinner had not digested and was just sitting in my stomach.  My stomach would be so bloated and sore, I was fatigued, I was inflamed but not once in all those years did I think that the food I was eating was the cause of my digestive upset.

That was until someone suggested to me that maybe all the pasta and bread I was eating could be the cause and gave me a book to read called “Life without bread” by Christian Allen.  Much of the book resonated with me and I decided to go on a gluten elimination diet – what could I lose?  My brother had been suspected to have a wheat allergy when he was younger and I remember my mother having to make gluten free breads and biscuits for him because back in those days it was hardly heard of.  Fast forward to my experience some years later and while there was a small number of new products around, it was nothing like what you see in the gluten free section of the shops now.  I decided the best way for me was to try and eliminate all packaged foods including the bread and pasta that had unfortunately made up a large quantity of my diet.

Within a few weeks my stomach, that often felt like a washing machine felt lighter, I slept better and I did not feel so tired all the time.  This was the first time I made the connection that what I was eating was contributing to my discomfort. 

Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, barley, rye and can cause issues in many people who have trouble digesting this protein.  When the foods are not digested it can cause issues in the gut such as flatulence, burping, stomach pain, bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea, joint aches and long term can lead to problems like leaky gut.  An excellent resource to learn more about why we should not eat grains is William Davis “Wheat Belly”.

Gluten is found in many processed foods like bread, pasta, biscuits, condiments and even in things like medications.

A sensitivity to gluten is often called Gluten Intolerance.  An allergy to gluten is called coeliac disease.  It is an autoimmune condition.  Approximately 1 in 70 people have coeliac and many more are undiagnosed.  Eating gluten will further cause damage to the gut.

I felt first hand the benefits of removing gluten from my diet and made a decision to remove all gluten from my diet forever as I knew each time I would eat any I would immediately react with the same signs and symptoms as before. 

Many people experience what is known as “leaky gut” which is when the intestinal permeability of the gut’s wall is compromised normally from foods that can cause inflammation in the body such as gluten and dairy.  Healing leaky gut symptoms can be of great benefit of the symptoms of gluten intolerance.  Some ways to help with leaky gut are to eat fresh whole foods, removing any inflammatory foods such as no gluten and dairy and to use a probiotic such as the great probiotics found in Lewis & Son ferments. 1 tbs (or more of course!) of sauerkraut with each meal can help heal and seal a leaky gut. 

If you wish to talk to me more about this topic or any health issues that are concerning you can come and have a chat with me at the Gluten Free Expo in Brisbane 9-4 Saturday and Sunday 26 & 27 May with Lewis & Son at Booth 28.

I will be there giving out samples of Lewis & Son Coeliac Australian endorsed sauerkraut, pickles, smoked sausage and charcuterie.  Come down and let me help you with any nutrition questions.

About Leah Williamson

Leah Williamson is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP), Associate Instructor for the Nutritional Therapy Association, Autoimmune Paleo Certified Coach, RESTART Instructor, a REAL FOOD Advocate and the Founder of Brisbane Paleo Group.  She also hosts a popular podcast – Low Carb Conversations which aims to look objectively at the latest news health headlines. She sees clients online and in person, one on one and small group programs.

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